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Heart Shaped Waffles

Our Terms of Use 

By submitting your photo, you confirm that you are the original owner of the artwork. To protect your copyright, you may add a watermark / your name to your initial image submission. For our initial review, we recommend using web-optimized sized photos. We do not share or post your submissions unless you have also submitted them to photography contests on our page. If we choose to use your photo, we will contact you to discuss commission terms and sign a copyright agreement.


We are seeking designs that will look great printed on paper, fabric, vinyl, laser engraved, converted to 3D design, and more. Please note that we may use a portion of your image or enhance it based on production requirements, such as removing the background or creating a 3D model.


We only use licensed materials in our products and services, sourcing them directly from artists or reputable stock agencies.​ We typically use non-exclusive licenses for commercial use. We may use third party vendors to craft, package and ship our products.  


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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